Money & Meaning Blog

Telling the stories of Registered Life Planner® professionals around the world

Hugoline van Hoorn photograph, wearing dark blue button up shirt, looking ahead

I’m a Registered Life Planner®: Hugoline van Hoorn

Hugoline van Hoorn, RLP® founded Huug! Financial Life Planning in 2018 after 20 years as a banker. Prior to a career in finance, Hugoline spent 10 years as a professional squash player. She is 52 years old and lives in Eindhoven with her wife and dog. In this interview with Kinder Institute’s Communications Director Lora

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Photograph of George Kinder, standing next to tree, wearing casual jacket and hat

I’m a Registered Life Planner: George Kinder

Nearly thirty years in the making, Reflections on Spectacle Pond, is the culmination of George Kinder’s personal life plan where he has defined his life of greatest meaning to be composed of three elements—to live in the weather, to live a deeply spiritual life, and to craft illuminated manuscripts. In this interview with Kinder Institute’s

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